CT FoodNex Food Factory
An Exciting New Food Factory Development by:
Why Buy CT FoodNex
CT FoodNex food factory is being build to meet the needs of food processing business owners. They in-turn are aiming to ensure the food supplies to Singaporeans are met.
The government with SFA (Singapore Food Agency), have implemented the 30/30 initiative and this has given food processing businesses a boost to provide 30% of our food supplies locally by 2030.
Below are 5 attractive reasons why CT FoodNex food factory is a great investment both for business owners and investors:
The freehold nature of the property will ensure its value will increase over time due to the shortage of food factories in Singapore.
The government is pushing aggressively to ensure our reliance on overseas food imports is reduced. This is ever critical as shown during the pandemic period where logistics supply trains were disrupted.
Chiu Teng Group has designed CT FoodNex Food Factory with best-of-class specifications to ensure it has functional and efficient layout. These attributes will provide good impetus to drive the value of the property upwards.
Due to the nature of food factories, which are categorized as industrial buildings, there will be no ABSD (Additional Buyer Stamp Duty) when buyers purchase CT FoodNex Food Factory. This saves the buyer up to 35% of the purchased price in taxes.
The rental commanded from food factories are higher as SFA will only allow food processing businesses to operate in the 5 designated food zones in Singapore. This translates to a higher rental yield for the investors. As for the business owner, owning your own food factory will prevent your business cost from escalating due to increasing rents caused by low supply and high demand for food factories.
Keen to find out more about CT FoodNex? Find out the form below and we will update on the latest news regarding this latest food factory.
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